The College takes part in its first Australia Day parade in Buderim. Fifty students and all 16 staff attend.
29 January: The first day of school for Matthew Flinders Anglican College students and staff.
Foundation Students – 161 students from Years 5-8
Foundation Teaching staff include Chris Bull, Greg Cook, Reverend Stephen Holmes (Founding Chaplain), Debi Howarth, Leanne Hunt, Wayne Jupe, Suzanne Matthew, Cheryl Nonmus, Neville Rowley, Sharon Rushton, Rowena Turner, Clair Warren, Carol Smeeton
Foundation Administration staff include Colin Fitzgerald, Andrew Collie, Ian Hopkins, Karenlee Spillane, Pam Scott, Dianne McLaren, Sharon Garrett
1 March: The first Flinders Swimming Carnival is held at Buderim State School.
18 March: The College community celebrates the official opening of the College by Sir Walter Campbell, Governor of Queensland.
The first parent and teacher interviews are held at the end of Term 1.
The first school camp for the Year 8s is held at Camp Duckadang, Avoca Vale.
The first Student Staff Council is formed to drive fundraising projects to help those in need in the community. First School Council includes Pat King, Bob Webster, Alf Gerlach, Greg Cox, James Birrell (Vice-Chairman), Tom Hogan and Rod Forrester (Chairman)
Stage 2 of construction commences, including new classrooms, resource centre for languages, music room, administration building, manual arts building, sports courts, oval and running track, walkway from Ballinger Road to the campus, senior school entrance, maintenance sheds, tuckshops, and more.